Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Keiji wants me to post something XD


I got a job at the bakery the other day :D

Everyone is super nice, and I really like it there. The cakes are good too >< I'm working on 10/10 beach body though. My boyfriend keeps telling me I'm pretty, but I wanna look like a kpop idol D:

We went on a date for Valentines day two days after Valentines, spent all day with my nerd <3 Spent half the day at his house, playing games. Ate KBBQ in the evening, since it's all you can eat, starved myself during the day to stuff the food in my stomach.

I keep having weird dreams though, I keep dying ._. iunno if that's normal. My mom tells me it's 'cause I worry too much, but who knows ._.

I'm trying my hardest to break outta my anxious phase. I try to go to events where people I'm not used to is there, but eventually I end up not being able to talk ._. Maybe I'm just shy, but I wanna change that. I wanna change a lot about myself actually, I wanna be 100 before I die. School-wise, I'm okay, but everything else could use some improving.

That's it for tonight~ iunno what to write.

Alice Lieberg

Friday, January 6, 2017

I'm stressed, and the semester didn't even start yet

Hi guys!

First of all, merry Christmas and happy holidays!

I have to say, I'm not as sad as it seems, hopefully. Maybe I have a problem, I don't know. I tend to overthink a lot, that's what both my boyfriend and my mom tells me all the time.

But anyways. My semester "was" great, until I bombed all my finals. And now, I'm just lost. I don't get how I could get 80 the whole semester, and just... flunk like that.

It hurts, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, what I have to consider, who I can talk to about this. Looking at myself is really difficult, I can't think of... anything, when I'm like this. I often want to cry. Failing isn't something that makes anyone feel good, and... I seem to be doing that at a moment's notice.

What should I consider in my life, and how can I... move from this? Nothing ever seems to be going the way I want it to be, and I want a job later on, so I can live comfortably. And not a minimum wage job, I even want to quit my current job, because all the people there are really toxic. Being around them is like being around a bunch of pigs.

I've gotten a new computer, and my friend helped me build it. But now, I just feel like poop. I can play games all I want, but... it won't help me build a career. People have told me if I played less games, my grades would go up, and yes, very true. But you have to consider that I got a solid grade of 80 throughout the semester, and I STILL BOMBED THE FINALS.

I've sent an application to switch programs, before my school decides to cut me. Hopefully it works. But... I don't know guys. I don't know what I need right now, or who I can talk to. My boyfriend is a great listener, but his advice is a bit lacking, and my family... I can't trust them anymore. My friends have a nonchalant attitude about everything, with the exception of my best friends, they've helped me throughout my life, all the time.

I have work soon, hopefully I won't feel too down.

Alice Lieberg