Yes, it's been a while haha
I've been busy with school, trying to catch up since I wasn't doing so well in the beginning. I do have to go to summer school, but hey, I made an effort right? Catching up is really hard ._. Those who can do that, I praise you, you're actually smarter than the average. If you put more effort in the first place, I'm sure you'd do well haha
And so, I told myself: "If I made a return to my blog, might as well make it fantastic sooooooooooo"
So yeah, why video games are addicting~ Well, I'm sure we all know why, but might as well rant right? I'll just tell you what I think x)
I'm sure you've all heard of this game, League of Legends. And if you haven't, it's a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena), like DOTA 2 or Tome. And this game has attracted many people, it even has a national tournament. And quite frankly, when you get into this game, you can't get out ._.
Now, why is this? Well, there are a few reasons for this genre. One, most of your friends are probably playing this, right? And once you've had the taste of playing with friends, you don't wanna play alone anymore right? Well, that's the first anchor.
I'd say the second one would be the money you've "invested" in this game. Now, I only just started (Christmas 2 years ago), but I have ~50 skins. And hey, that's a lot ._. That's like ~200 bucks. Yes, all of them were somewhat gifted or traded, but that's still a lot. And my friend got me DJ Sona. Let's vamp that up by 30. And people buy me non-mystery gifts. Let's vamp that up by 100. 330$. Damn.
Another point would be that this game is different every time you play it. You essentially do the same thing, but since the people you play against are different, you never have the same experience.
And finally, there's the self-accomplishment part of the game. There's rankings in this game right? Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Challenger ._. Well, you'd want to be up there right? I'm Silver 2, with Gold V MMR, and yes, I want to reach Gold. ._. Plat even, even though I'm not the best, I wanna be there.
But what about other genres? Not MOBAs or anything online, just the stuff you can play on consoles or what not alone? Well, in those cases:
They allow you to escape your reality, into a possibly better one. It's sad to admit, but our world isn't anything special. In fact, it's quite banal. Nothing special happens. And video games can change that. Or at least, let us escape that reality. I've done it, it's not a crime, it's just an essentially nicer world to be in. The video game won't hate you for being a bum. In fact, it glorifies you. You feel so good after a game, often at least.
And that's why I think video games are so addicting. Well, there's probably more reasons, but hey, this covers some of it :3
Alice Lieberg
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