Sunday, May 8, 2016

I almost got into a car accident ._.

Hi guys!

Yeah, I almost went BOOM. I'm still learning how to drive, and when I panic, I don't really know what to do. Basically, this car was turning, but he didn't turn on his blinker, and I almost whammed into him QQ

I was so scared, I slammed on my breaks, my dad honked for me. Yeah.

I'm so glad to be alive. ._.
I'm barely religious, but God must be looking out for me huh. Also, I've been having only bad dreams recently. They're all weird, I'm so scared ._.


Did you guys remember to say thanks to your moms? Some of you may not even have moms, or they abandoned you, of some of you have bad moms, for that, you can say thanks to the people who took care of you. Or thanks to the world. DON'T GIVE UP.

Anyways, toodles~

Alice Lieberg

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