Saturday, February 28, 2015

Even Though My Song has no Form

Hello everyone~

I got recruited to sub a Japanese game :3

I'm super excited, and a bit scared. I hope I can do the job well :3

As for my life... hmm...

Well, I've acquired DJ Sona, my friend gifted it it me. .-. Yeah, he spent 20 bucks on me. *sigh* I don't know why people like getting me stuff. I appreciate it though, it just feels weird.

Oh yeah, as for my love life, I kinda... think he's stupid? Yes, that sounds cruel, but my feelings flew out the window when he said he didn't mind his girlfriend to cuddle with other men. Then I was like:
"Nigga, I can't do dis anymore. Bai."

So yeah, I don't the need to hit her anymore, but I can't be her friend anymore. I don't care about what he said, what she's doing is still... wrong. *sigh*

Oh yes, my grades. I'm very scared. What if I don't get into uni... One class brought my grades down SO MUCH ;~;

And as for my grades now, well, they aren't the best... ^^"

I'm not sad anymore though, so I can have my complete attention in class now :D Which is good, I do believe in myself quite a bit :3

Erm... what else...

I think that's it! Welp, thanks for reading again. ^^

Alice Lieberg

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