Saturday, September 12, 2015

Life is Strange dududu


The picture above is from the game "Life is Strange", and it's a super cool game with multiple choice plot concoctions,  it's like a choose your own adventure book! :) But I'm not talking about this game haha. I'm actually gonna talk about my life. dududu

First off, I started working~ Yay~ I don't think people like me there doe :( 2 guys made a be on me. iunno on what :S

Not really though XD When I started training, my mom was fat-shaming me in front of everyone, so I didn't wanna go in the next day. By some convincing, I'm staying, since the job pays kinda well? Though I don't want a lot of hours. This week, I have around 24? Plz no. Luckily, I mostly work only for 15 hours per week, so it's not that bad. I just don't wanna work all day you know? So I'mma tell them that I wanna work during the day mostly. I got my availability chart  for next month, so I can do that :3

Next up, schoooooooooooooooooooooool~ If you didn't know, I can't go to university just yet, I need one more semester at Abbott, and I'm outta thereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ DUDUDU. Tryhard mode ._. I have pretty cool classes, with the exception of geology XD Forensic is pretty cool ye

My boyfriend~ We have reached a pretty good comfort zone. Second base. o. We get in fights though. But it's okay. ^^

I got in a fight with my friend. He was really mean to me yesterday, and I don't know why. He was so harsh, I just muted myself ._.

Alice Lieberg 


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