Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I should break it to you all. Nothing serious though.

Hey guys!

I realize I didn't post in a while. A LONG WHILE. Yeah... I can't post everyday, really impossible. xD

I'm in my second semester, and I've had a lazy streak. Yes, I'm not busy, I'm just lazy. I messed up my first chem quiz, but I'm not too worried. I also messed up my first lab, but to be fair, the lab had two parts, and I didn't know about the last part until my teacher said we had to write shit down. The first part, I got 9.5/10. Yeah... A downer really. Time to pick myself up eh?

I obviously have new people in my classes left and right, but I do run into my old classmates. Some say "Hi" to me, which I respond to, otherwise I just ignore them. :S

I don't know, guess I'm still scared that people secretly hate me. Though I did build up the courage to say "Hi" to this funny dude in my previous class. Maybe one day, I'll build up the courage to tell the guy I'm interested in that... yeah. xD

More "intrigued" than "relationship-wise intrigued". I swear he's the only guy in our school that dresses properly though. Dear God.

Anyways, yeah. Little update on me. :)

Have a niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice day!


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