Thursday, April 24, 2014

So I wanted to League.

Hello everyone,

I am very tired. I mean, all the work is my fault, but the good news is, it's over for now.

So in order to nerf my brain, I played League today. League of Legends, straight, as soon as I got home. ._.

So yeah, we lost a bunch of matches, but with my friends, all was chill.

Then my mom came in, and since you all don't know, we don't get along sadly. At all.
So anyways, she comes in with her problems, then I tell her I'm busy, and that I'll do it later. And I actually do shit later, I'm somewhat good at that. And yet, she b*tches at me, claiming that all I do is play, and that I did that this week too.

But I didn't. This is why I got mad. We got in a fight, and ALL MY FRIENDS HEARD ME OVER SKYPE.

Yeah. We don't get along. She's always like: "You're always so angry"

Coming with my inner thoughts: "Shut up." And sadly, that sh*t comes out sometimes.

Like, I worked all week. I even got an extension on my assignment so that I wouldn't work today, since I'm pretty tired. And this sh*t happens.

Anyways, hate rant. Not cool, but it calms me.

Expect a new video when school is over for me. :)


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