Sunday, October 5, 2014

Video Games are great~

Hello everyone~

I was playing the HD remake of this because f*ck 13-3. Just kidding. <3

Like I said before, I actually do like 13, but I can't really engage in a storyline game during school. It's gonna wreck my life. QQ

HD remakes are so beautiful though. IT TOUCHES MY SOUL SOFTLY. But please make an HD remake of FF9, please? Please? I'M ACTUALLY CEREAL SQUARE ENIX. 9 IS MY BABY.

And yeah, you all know I play League of Legends, and I have this skin now. Through MG. <3 IT'S THE ONLY GOOD SIVIR SKIN UGUU.

BUT I FEEL BAD. This dude kept MG-ing me, and I got Celestine Soraka, Spellthief Lux, Annie in Wonderland, Frankentibbers Annie, Forecast Janna, Resistance Caitlyn (though this skin was on sale, so he just straight up got me it). Then, he got me 10$ worth of RP (which I used to gift people and him) and then he got me Gnar through MG again. ._.

I'm happy that I got skins, but I also feel bad. Some of my friends think he's really thirsty, then others say that he's just being kind. Iunno. I'll take the gifts, but I actually feel bad uguu.

I'm getting closer to maxing everyone on one of my Fire Emblem files ((APOTHEOSIS HERE I COME <3)).

Also, I'm legitimately too poor for these games, so rip. QQ

And finally, this is about my life. I thought I did well in a test, and got 36. Uguu. I don't wanna do this anymore. QQ

Alice Lieberg

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