Monday, July 25, 2016

Calypso :D

Hi guys :D

Did you ever go to Calypso? I did yesterday :)

Well, I did go a while ago, when I was little, but I don't remember much x)

Other than yesterday's outing, I was either babysitting or working. It wasn't that fun. The week in general was kinda lame, but I had so much fun yesterday! Nice weather too!

Oh yeah, my driving school called me 'cause they cancelled my driving class, and I was like "dawg y". I need to finish, or I pay an extra fee, which is something I don't really want. I have until August, but it's still annoying.


On our way home, my friends and I were discussing if we should move in to an apartment near school in like a year or so. Personally, I don't mind moving near school, because it's less of a hassle getting there. And it would be a nice experience too :)

We'll see. I still have a heavy schedule this week for work, BUT SOON I'LL BE FREE QQ


Alice Lieberg

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Alice Rants: Final Fantasy - Brave Exvius


I'm sure you've all watched E3, but if you didn't, Square made a new Final Fantasy game! It's for mobile devices, and it's very similar to the older Final Fantasies, with a few tweaks here and there that make the game, JUST SO FUN TO PLAY.

I'm not gonna make this too complicated, but I'll get to the important stuff for sure :)


First things first, this game is 100% FREE-TO-PLAY. I am not too far in the game, so if that changes, I'm sorry ._.

But so far, you can experience the game without having to spend a thing :D Which is nice 'cause Square overprices everything.

You enter the story with your two protagonists, Rain and Lasswell, and they on some ship, some girl (Fina) appears outta nowhere and says the the world is in danger. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, SPOOKY. Yeah, it's the basic RPG story haha. The crystals are back too :)

Even though the story is a bit... cliche, it is very reminiscent of the old Final Fantasy, which brings a smile to my face. I feel like these days, the story gets further and further away from the crystal, but eh... ANYWAYS, YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL.

Music is as good as ever, I love Final Fantasy music :) It's really cool how it's an "old' game, but the music is HD af <3

Graphics-wise, it's the normal SNES or pre FF7 graphics, but the cutscenes ARE SO HOT. So are the summons :)


Leveling up, you can level them up the normal way (by fighting battles), or ENHANCING THEM WITH CACTUARS. Very similar to Summoners War. WITH THAT COMPARISON, you get more allies by summoning them. I KINDA LUCKED OUT WITH MY SUMMONS, SO DON'T LOOK AT ME PLZ. Generally, you'd get 3-star summons with the featured summons, BUT I GOT A BUNCH OF 4-STARS AND A 5-STAR.

There's also an exp dungeon, a material dungeon, a money dungeon... YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I guess the only kicker would be that's it's an energy based-game, but I barely notice it. I don't really like binging on games too quickly, so I can follow the story with the energy system just fine. You also need Internet to play this game. Like a WiFi connection.

The battle system, it's turn-based, but a lot faster, but at the same time, you can take your time and think about doing stuff :) BASICALLY GOOD FOR LITTLE OL' IMPATIENT ME.

GO TRY IT. I'm really having fun with this game, without spending a dime :)

Story's okay, music's great, battle system pretty good, GRAPHICS ARE PERF.



Alice Lieberg

Friday, July 8, 2016


Hi-llow :3

((This girl looks really hot btw, not gunna lie))

I've been good, more than ever actually :) 

I've really begun to get closer to my family, or things have been better. My parents got into a HUGE FIGHT the other day, and I cried, but my mom stayed with me until I stopped crying, and I'm better now. We've started talking about moving into a smaller house, I don't mind, but I don't wanna be far :(

Also, I went to a K-BBQ place with my boyfriend today. The plan was, he wanted to treat me to food, but his card didn't work, so I ended up paying for half XD 

He felt so bad, that he bought me stuff at Dollarama <3 , and bubble tea :)

Um, so about MY YOUTUBE. My friends are playing less League now, and when they do play, they're not really having fun, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it's a bit boring. I could record Let's Plays, but I'm really boring LOL. I'm still gonna try, I'm getting better Internet soon too, so maybe I could stream better games :) (I PLAY OVERWATCH, BUT I SUCK <3)

Guys, I've said this before, and I'll keep saying it, but don't give up on your dreams. If you've never tried, then you have no reason to give up. 

I think I should make weekly posts here? WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Alice Lieberg