Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Transfer students wooooooooooooooo~

Hi guys :D

For another time this year, I met Japanese transfer students :D
Well, socially-awkward me just saw in a corner alone, until someone joined me. Haha, we were both not really wanting to talk to new people ^^'

It was fun, they all seem really nice, but I really don't see me being 100% friends with them, so I feel so lazy .-.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna go to a picnic :D
Iunno what I'm gonna make though, maybe fresh-fruit salad. I'm still looking forward to it though :)

Also, I STILL LIKE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS, BUT PEOPLE KEEP DISSIN' MY TASTE, AND IT'S PISSING ME OFF. My friends basically don't play League anymore, but they play Overwatch, and they keep mocking me for still liking League :/

It's so f*cking annoying. Why can't you stfu and just be okay that I still play League :/
I understand if you don't like the game anymore, but putting someone down because they still play is f*cking dumb.

Alice Lieberg

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