Thursday, July 24, 2014

Update. I don't post that often! :D


Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't post often. ._.

So recently, I got a bit wishy-washy over League, and took a break. It didn't last long though. I probably could have lasted longer, but I got so tired over the week, due to having to look over my sister's baby. She's not one year old yet, so you have to continue to look over her to make sure she doesn't get hurt. And she's a real cutie pie. <3 And awfully calm for a baby. Anyways, we have to look over her because both my sister and her husband at times do not have suitable hours of work.

Anywho, I ended up starving one day, 'cause I was looking after her REALLLLLL lot, and well, I didn't have the opportunity to eat. RIP. I still love her, but I didn't get to do anything that day haha.

Other than thatttttttttttttttttt...

Well, I've reached level 30 on League, though that's hardly an accomplishment haha. I've also made progress on my cosplay! It's a SUPER easy one, since I wanna be lazy this year, and my friends doing a theme, so I joined haha. I'mma be Lamia from Beelzebub. For those who don't know, she looks like this:

Anywho, her costume is super easy to be honest, so I'm buying most of the sh*t this year. Though, I swear, this town is against grey polos or grey in general. ._. I'm also having trouble finding a pair of white and blue socks. .___________________.

Freaking life. I'll post a pic of myself when I'm done haha.


Hmm... That's it really! I don't have any love stories for you all, sorry. I'll try to get a video out by this week. <3


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