Monday, August 18, 2014

Does this ever happen to you?

Hello everyone~

I should really finish this game. AND I MEAN REALLY. I REALLY LIKE IT. ._____.

I really like the Tales Series. Says the girl who only played 3 of them. I liked Xillia's graphics and gameplay, Graces... eh. BUT ABYSS. GODDAMN I LOVE IT. Characters fleshed out, good gameplay, good graphics, good story... WHAT IS THERE NOT TO LOVE. GOOD VOICE ACTORS TOO. UGH.

Anywho, back to the title. Has this ever happened to you?

Just like, last weekend, I had to work as a waitress. Sad thing is, they called me in LAST MINUTE, SO MY PLANS GOT RUINED. BUT THIS ISN'T THE WORSE PART.

My sister was having a party for her baby's first birthday, which I would have loved to attend, SO THAT GOT RUINED. The next day, I missed out on the best food world. LIKE RIP. ;-;

Oh well, money. ._.

Alice Lieberg

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