Monday, August 4, 2014

Emotional Human - That's me.


So yeah, I found myself crying today. Like bawling. ;-;

I'm perfectly fine, I just got to thinking a little too much, a bad habit that I own haha. Basically, I thought of my parents dying, 'cause they getting pretty old, and... it saddened me. I dunno, we all complain about our parents, or most of us, but if they were actually good to us, we'd... miss them.

This happened right after my sister's baby's baptism. I think I'm broken, but thinking about the future, when inquired... I JUST THINK TOO MUCH. I'M A GIRL, AND I PLAY SUPPORT. ;-;

 I shouldn't bother people so much, when I show tears, everyone crowds because they're worried, and I... don't wanna bother them haha. I bother my friends though, they give me comfort. <3

SEPARATE TOPIC. Has thou tried to socialize but just couldn't? Like, you make an effort, but... I have some things in common with the dude I'm related to, BUT I CAN'T SEEM TO MAKE... SOCIAL EVENTS. MAYBE HE JUST HATES ME, I DUNNO.  ;-;

I'm trying, I swear... ;A;

I'm socially awkward I find, my friends say otherwise, but... I DUNNO.

Anywho, lovely art by my friend dimz. And my other friend, Vii comforted me. I really like them. <3

And so, here are their tumblrs! :D

I'm going bowling to... day. It's midnight. :D Thanks for reading.

Alice Lieberg

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