Sunday, March 30, 2014

It was my birthday!

Hello everyone!

I got game for my birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~ I'm 18 nowwwwwwww~~~ I should really grow upppppppppppppp~~~ xD

I also got BioShock, but I bought that on my own. xD

I celebrated with my friends, we played video games and watched Free! THOSE ABS THO. Makoto is my favorite, btw.


My birthdays are so... boring. I should really have just went out with them. xD

So yes, after that, I wanted to play, but my sister used the PS3 like, for NetFlix, AND I CAN'T KICK HER OFF, so I went and played League. WHEN. I. SHOULD. BE. STUDYING.

I mean, it's not urgent, but still. I'm the worst Asian there is. :T

Elections coming up, and I gotta vote~

I hope your days shall go well, I am VERY BUSY THIS WEEK, SO I WILL GET MY GAME ON ASAP. TOODLES.


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