Thursday, December 31, 2015

Merry Holidays :D


How were your holidays? Mine were kinda like the picture you see, except I got bored at some point XD

It was nice to see my cousins though, haven't seen them in a while. I got stressed though :S

Oh well, I'm trying to get better, but meh, I'll take my time with it. Enjoy New Years! :D Make your resolutions~

Alice Lieberg


Saturday, December 19, 2015

Kingdom Hearts 3 Rant ._.


I think this needs to be said, here and now.

WHILE, I LIKE KINGDOM HEARTS, the gameplay if anything, the Disney Characters put me off at times ._.

They can really milk this series with no consequences. And that irritates me. Kingdom Hearts III took like... 10 years. And...

They can make remakes, many games do this formula. HOWEVER. 2.8?! Are you f*cking serious?


And they're STILL able to get away with this. The fanbase is huge. And the games, they're still great. ._.

 I mean, Square is known for milking their series *FF13-3*, but damn, f*ck off ._.

 We all know they're going to make a great game. Lots of their games will be really good. But it's irritating.

 I like the series though. I am a fan, battle system's great. AND AXEL AND RIKU ARE BAE.



But... *sigh*

I just want you to make an actual game. Sorry Square ._.

 Alice Lieberg

Thursday, December 17, 2015



I'm gonna try making videos and stuff :3

My YouTube Channel :3

I'm also in Software Engineering now, so that I can try to follow another dream of mine (it's to work in a video company).

Guys, the future is less grim than I thought :3

I'm doing this because, well, I want to. And, dreams should be followed, or it's an opportunity wasted. I'm not abandoning anything along the way. I'll see if someday, I'll be able to make it. It's a fun side-hobby if anything :3

Don't be scared to follow your dreams. They're dreams, not nightmares :3

Just make sure to have a plan, and many backup plans :)

Alice Lieberg


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My situation at home


Here comes another rant. *sigh*

I don't hate my mom anymore, but there are times when I get really mad at her, and honestly, I always remember the bad stuff that happened, or her bad traits.

I wanted to call in sick, but as the coward I am, I was about to make my mom call in for me. She told me to do it myself, and I was like: "Welp, I tried." But then she goes on and on about responsibility and how I shouldn't have said yes ('cause I wasn't supposed to work today), but to be fair:

1. I didn't know my period was coming.

Yeah, that's it. Girls, you get me. When you have your period, you wanna be in your happy place, not exactly working. And sometimes, there's no way around it, but I was called in to be an extra, and I literally got it last night, so ya.

So I got irritated. Now here's the thing, when I get irritated, I think I'm pretty tolerable, because I don't talk when I get mad? Well, I guess that's irritating in it's own way, but I don't talk because I don't like saying stuff that I don't mean. You know, the old: "I hate you" or "You piece of sh*t", stuff like that. But, I guess that doesn't stop my mom, so I told her to "stop talking". It was the only thing that came to mind, and the more she talks, the more she makes me mad, so yeah.

And now, here's where my mom gets BM. Well, sometimes, she just outright insults you, but sometimes, she tries to guilt trip me? AND THAT JUST IRRITATES ME. A LOT.

"I always cook for you, pay bills, have a house for you... yada yada yada"

See, some of this are lies? She pays for groceries. My dad pays for the rest. I'm not lying, I found out a while ago. My dad isn't poor, but he has a lot less money due to this system. Maybe at first, yes, they split the bills. But now? My dad pays for everything. As for have a house... well, I guess that's a great thing. But need I remind you that I hated living here at some point? And not because I didn't get what I wanted, but because you and dad SUCKED AT BEING PARENTS. You might know how to make people happy with money, but other than that, no. I'm sorry, but years of calling me useless, saying I should die, and "I think I'd be happier if you weren't born" isn't exactly emotionally uplifting.

And it's not like I was this really angst-y kid as I grew up. My friends, from high school on, were the best things I could've had. And... they gave me hope. Hope that you guys weren't horrible, that you still loved me. "When parents are mad, they say things that they don't mean", "They love you, they just suck at showing it". And I actually believed them. People always told me that my life must have been wonderful, since I always smiled. I smiled all the time, because I always looked on the bright side before.

But I think those days, at least for now, became really cloudy. I would call it... the summer of 2015. Where everything went wrong. It was at this time that I had summer school, and I didn't know how to explain it, so I just said that school was still going on. And it was also the time I thought I was going to get a job, but I didn't in the end, so I went back to days of searching for one. But I couldn't get one, so here came days of getting yelled at everyday.

Yelled at for not getting a job, for being lazy and incompetent. So I started just going out all the time, sometimes I went job hunting, other times, I went to see my boyfriend. That was my version of running away I guess. I don't know. I was just tired of crying all the time. We looked for jobs together too, but it didn't work. When I got home, I obviously got screamed at some more, and well, it was a repeat of all that.

Oh yeah, I also got called fat all the time. It got to me. My friends kept trying to reassure me, but I wouldn't listen. Well now, I'm trying to be more healthy. I think it's working? Iunno haha. It's better than me starving myself again I guess.

When I got a job, the one my mom kinda gave me, I was happy at first. But my mom called me fat, in front of everyone. That's when I got mad again. Later on, the job got worse for me, and I wanted to quit, but alas and alack. Shall I tell you the rest? I. Got. Yelled. At.

You'd think that if I said: "This job doesn't let me have enough hours to concentrate on school", my dad wouldn't get mad right? Oh boy, was  I wrong. Called lazy again, I was forced hold it all in, and just live my life every day. At some point, I started crying every day, because I was so stressed. The night before I had my breakdown, I went to my sister, to try to help me quit my job. But it was late at night, and she told me that she wasn't thinking straight at the time, but she yelled at me too, for trying to quit.

When I worked the next day, I cried at every moment I could. I didn't want to do this anymore. When I got back in my car, my dad drives me home btw. I made no sounds, and he just drove me. When I got back home, I went into my room, and I cried and cried and cried.

I still don't like it there, but it got better. And I work a lot less now, so that's good.

But I still cry every so often. Sometimes, it's as if my emotions run me over, and I have to cry. I cried on the bus a lot actually. Not loudly, but yeah. Someone asked me if I was okay once. That was nice. I cried at school, on breaks or in class.

So when I hear stuff like: "Mom cried today".

I. Don't. Care.

I've said sorry lots of times to her before. For being stupid, for being rude, for doing lots of stuff. I only got one sorry recently.

She lost her family to the war? Well, that is sad. And there's no bright side to this.

But I'm also sad. But I guess my sadness is less significant, so it's okay to ignore it... right?

Alice Lieberg

Sunday, November 22, 2015



It's been too long, and I wanted to write in my blog for a while, but I've been busy.

Things first, I've been okay, I want to lose weight, but... I'm... </3

Anyways, things with my parents have been better recently, I don't get yelled at anymore, so it's nice. Well... it's a long story.

So, recap, or newcap, iunno man ._. During the summer, my parents yelled at me everyday because I didn't have a job, then my mom got me a job, then there I was. My mom fat-shamed me, I got mad... Well, my family's been fat-shaming me for a while, so yeah. Well, not recently. ANYWAYS.

Then, stress at work got worse, I had 30 hour per week, and I broke down and cried. I wanted to quit, because my boss wasn't listening to my demand for less hours, my family yelled at me for wanting to quit, then I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, then I broke down again, and didn't want to function. I cried basically all day, and maybe that's when people, or basically my family, realized that I was miserable. They started being nicer, but then my mom started acting like her old self again and I blew up. Then my sister came to talk to me about what my mom could do to change, and if I wanted to live with her instead, that was the solution my mom came up with. And I was told she cried, because it's been a while since she saw me smile, or be  happy.

Well, now, they're nicer. Though some of the damage might take time to repair. For one, I still think I'm fat, or chubby or whatever. My boyfriend is helping me though, which is a plus :)


Oh, and I'm making my boyfriend watch Nozaki-kun XD Yay~

Yeah, that's it. Thanks for being here :3

Alice Lieberg


Thursday, September 24, 2015

I kinda have a problem ._.


This gon' get real dark real quick so turn on yo lights ._.

Well, iunno really XD Just a little self-reflection and self-consciousness.

Well, I'm a little chubby. Not my arms or legs, but my stomach, you know, a bit of stomach fat. What some average people have. But see, I'm easily influenced, by my family. That's kinda bad, but all my life, they've told me I'm a normal size, and that I didn't need to change my lifestyle. But one day, they just called me fat, not like chubby, but actual overweight BS. And I didn't want to accept it, so I just... became more unhealthy I guess. I started closing myself in even more, and eating easy stuff to make. And... I gained more stomach weight.

I eventually noticed, and started to eat healthier and workout. But when I started school, I just stopped. I became lazy and overloaded with work. And now I want to restart. But... I have this type of anxiousness or something. Iunno, but doing anything in front of others makes me nervous, so it's hard to workout anywhere. Like, I can't run outside in peace.

But I'm going to change. I want to, and I will. I'll try to eat in moderation, more healthy, and I'll try to workout again. That's  it XD

Alice Lieberg

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Life is Strange dududu


The picture above is from the game "Life is Strange", and it's a super cool game with multiple choice plot concoctions,  it's like a choose your own adventure book! :) But I'm not talking about this game haha. I'm actually gonna talk about my life. dududu

First off, I started working~ Yay~ I don't think people like me there doe :( 2 guys made a be on me. iunno on what :S

Not really though XD When I started training, my mom was fat-shaming me in front of everyone, so I didn't wanna go in the next day. By some convincing, I'm staying, since the job pays kinda well? Though I don't want a lot of hours. This week, I have around 24? Plz no. Luckily, I mostly work only for 15 hours per week, so it's not that bad. I just don't wanna work all day you know? So I'mma tell them that I wanna work during the day mostly. I got my availability chart  for next month, so I can do that :3

Next up, schoooooooooooooooooooooool~ If you didn't know, I can't go to university just yet, I need one more semester at Abbott, and I'm outta thereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ DUDUDU. Tryhard mode ._. I have pretty cool classes, with the exception of geology XD Forensic is pretty cool ye

My boyfriend~ We have reached a pretty good comfort zone. Second base. o. We get in fights though. But it's okay. ^^

I got in a fight with my friend. He was really mean to me yesterday, and I don't know why. He was so harsh, I just muted myself ._.

Alice Lieberg 


Friday, August 28, 2015

I really hope you'd roll up and die.

Read the whole thing before judging.

Well, my mom hooked me up with a job at a retirement home, and hey, it wasn't so bad. I did cry though, because I felt bad for all the old people. It was weird really, the man lost his hearing, and I started crying a bit. ^^'

But then, at lunch... Okay, so basically, the people asked what we wanted to eat, the cooks I mean, and yeah, my mom just chose for me, and I didn't really care. HOWEVER. I was really hungry, well, I really just wanted a bit more rice. See, I woke up at 6, and I didn't really eat anything, just some French toast. The point is, I was hungry right? Well, my mom had not really wanted to finish her food, and she didn't really touch it? Like, 3/4s of her food was left. And yet: "wtf, you still want to eat? It's not healthy to eat a lot, stop eating." Do you know how mad I got?

I was hungry, I wanted to eat, and you STILL go on about how "fat" I am. Random fact, DID YOU KNOW THAT MY SKIN IS LITERALLY AT MY BONE? LIKE, IF YOU GRASP ME, I'M NOT SQUISHY, I HAVE SKIN ON MY BONE? And, maybe I didn't write it in that sentence, but yes, she called me fat. After some convincing from multiple colleagues, she was like: "Okay... you can eat." But I was so pissed, I wanted nothing from her.

F*ck my mom. Everyone in my family tries to convince me that she just wants the best for me, but do you know what I get everyday? "Worthless piece of sh*t, you're fat, stop being lazy, wtf, you're tired? Please, you can't be tired, get off your lazy ass. You know, any other kid is better than you." And it's not even like helpful information. I'm not allowed to eat? Oh woe is me, eating is unhealthy, no rice 5 u. stfu. She goes on about how in the war, she didn't get to eat either, LIKE B*TCH, DO WE LOOK LIKE WE'RE IN A WAR? I'M HUNGRY. LET ME F*CKING EAT. DON'T THINK YOU'RE SO SMART BECAUSE YOU'RE SIXTY.

She told me that there are parents that are worse than her. What? Just because there are worse, you're good? YOU'RE A GOOD PARENT, BECAUSE THERE ARE WORSE PARENTS THAN YOU? GET OFF YOUR TALL HORSE, AND FALL TO THE GROUND LIKE A PIECE OF SH*T. WHY THE F*CK ARE YOU ALIVE. GO DIE ALREADY, YOU'RE USING MY AIR.

Honestly, I don't mind the place I'm working at, I could stay there. But the idea of working besides my mom infuriates me. I want her to die. If she dies, I can eat. YOU KNOW HOW SAD THAT IS? IF MY MOTHER DIES, I'LL BE ABLE TO EAT. LIKE, I'M NOT ASKING TO PARTY, I'M ASKING IF I CAN EAT.

Woooooooooooooooo, I feel much better now. Toodles~

Alice Lieberg


Sunday, August 9, 2015

The secret to being happy


Well, last night, I was up 'till 2 am with my friends, talking about life, and we started getting into the deep stuff, then I started lagging, and I couldn't express all of my feelings, so here we go ._.

Starting off, sometimes you can't do anything about it. Let's be real here, the conditions in which you were born are purely luck-based. You could be rich, average, poor or in war at the start of your life, and you have no way of preventing that or choosing that. When I was born, I was awake in an Asian household, with strict parents who fought very often, and four sisters. My house was okay, my previous house happened to be a medium-sized one with a really big set of stairs. So, in that case, my start of life wasn't horrible. But some people aren't so fortunate, when you're born, you have predetermined conditions, and don't be one of those people who say that: "If you're parents made more of an effort, there wouldn't be luck." because that's bullsh*t. Life just isn't fair sometimes, you could've lived a good life up to now, then tomorrow? Tornado. Who knows who it killed, who knows what it destroyed... sometimes, life can be a d*ck. But, there is a way to divert yourself from sadness when you're going through it.

Think of the good things, no matter what, and amplify that feeling. When you have a choice, make it, don't just leave it there. If you have a choice, do it. JUST DO IT, DON'T LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS AND JUST DO IT. I've lived in a strict household, and my sisters have told me that they softened up a bit after coming to Canada, but they were still strict. And sometimes, I couldn't take that. I cried and cried and cried. I got hit for the littlest things, or the biggest ones, got insulted frequently by my parents and I was just too weak to withhold my emotions, and then they got even more mad. But, I've always found a way.

Late at night, I was telling my friends that I actually liked my life up to now, and they called BS xD. After hearing what I went through, they found it hard to see how I actually liked everything thing I went through. So I explained myself. It's not that I was happy all the time, I was sad most of the time to be honest, my house isn't a very loving one, and I probably needed affection when I was little. And to be completely honest, I didn't have many friends to talk to. I wasn't close to anybody. High school got a lot better, I was able to make lots of friends near the end of it. But my house didn't change, it was still pretty bad. And yet, I liked it. Lots of bad things may have happened, but good things did too. It's not like when I woke up everyday, I wanted to murder the world and curse God for all he's done to me, I actually generally woke up in a good mood. Why? Well, school was actually something to look forward to. Even if I didn't have many friends, it was just a more open environment, and I was able to speak my thoughts and let out everything. There weren't many reasons for me to be sad at school. Even when I came home, it's not like poop starting raining on me (though it was like that this summer, but that's another story), I came home, did my chores and... yeah, that's it. I ate supper and stuff, did my work, chatted online and that's it.

When I think back on my life, I don't look at the bad stuff, I look at the good stuff. And that's how I judged how much life has given me, by the good stuff. Like I was saying at the start, I had the choice to be happy or sad, I just happened to be lucky. Some people just can't sometimes, life sucks, and that's very sad. But to those who have a choice, look up. Why see the glass half-empty when it could be half-full? To those given the opportunity, to those who still can, I ask of you to do so. Because like I said, life sucks, and if you don't take that chance, it might just leave you. And you don't want to leave that opportunity to luck. I RAMBLE A LOT I'M SORRY XD 

Alice Lieberg

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Fire Emblem Awakening - Future Past SPOILERS

You've been warned.

The Future Past 3 - Bad Ending

It's the ending of the DLC if one of the children, with the exception of Lucina, since she needs to stay alive, dies.

Man, I'll tell you the truth. When I played this DLC, I was on Lunatic mode, and had NO PATIENCE TO PROLONG THIS, SO I FINISHED IT IN ONE TURN AND WATCHED THE GOOD ENDING. So, I was left with the gushy gushy happiness XD

But this blew me apart. My emotions just DIED. If you must know, I'm actually quite the fan of sad endings, unless they're total BS (Final Fantasy XIII-2). This butchered me. The fact that he wants to be killed, and how Lucina remembers faintly of the old him. I'm going to start assuming stuff here haha. Basically, we all know that the time travel shenanigans have been happening, and that the Future here is different than the future that Chrom and the others have. When this Future of Despair happened, it wasn't as early at the current timeline, it happened years later, when the children were left to fend for themselves. And Grima/MU rampaged a long time ago, but I'm assuming it took a while for him to fully awaken. Hence this storyline. Lucina must've met MU/Grima when she was little, so she couldn't recognize him fully, but has faint memories of his voice. Him, however, being a fully-fledged adult, knows EXACTLY who she is, and what she's capable of. He doesn't want to cause further anguish, so he wishes for his death.


He wanted to lie, but he couldn't. Seeking death makes me sad, there's just so much you can do. And this scene shows his desire to be alive, in a world where he is not Grima, or his vessel to be accurate. Lucina shows reluctance to one who wants to die eagerly. It pains me so.

Please get this DLC, so play it again, iunno. It's just so worth it.

Alice Lieberg

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Uh, super late update desu


First of all, I'm sorry I didn't write in this blog often, I really like it... but see, I had summer school and tons of plans with people. ((Excuses, but still ._. ))

Well, first of all, I don't know if I mentioned this but I PASSED LINEAR DUDUDUDU. YAY I'M NOT DUMB HUEHUEHUE

I spent summer school standing in line in the hot heat, not being able to socialize 'cause no one I knew or got along with is in the class ((and I ain't sociable)), and drinking Tim Hortons all the time .-.
My boyfriend came to see me often during it, to lessen my suffering. And so did my best friends XD

My best friends are a bit busy, but they do wanna hang out XD

I have... okay, this sound like boasting, BUT I HAVE SO MANY FRIENDS, DEAR GOD. Lots of people want to hang out, and I take the first invitation that comes in my face. And I have friends who only make last minute plans ._. And I actually feel really bad when I can't go with them, but they got mad at me too ._. One of them thought my BF occupied all my time, but it's not him, it's EVERYONE. I mean, if you want me to come, then please invite me earlier ._. I'm reserved so often, it's scary ._.

Hmm, other than that, my family affairs are really annoying now. Well, for one thing, today, my mother came back from her trip, so I went up and said "Hi." And then she complained on how my "Hi" was, that I was supposed to say "Hi mother." AND I GOT SO MAD, I DON'T GET IT. Then my friend gave me attitude on the last minute things again, and I didn't wanna hear that at the moment ._.

Hmm, what else... oh, and other family affairs. XD

Is the back considered an extremely sexual body part? ._. My mom got mad when I wore a tank top .-. I don't get it .-. My boobs were hidden.

Oh yes, E3, new gams :D

I reserved FE: Fates ._. I would reserve FF7 remake, but like, I don't have a PS4 haha WELL, MY FRIEND IS GETTING IT SO I WILL BE THERE.

Umm... That's it? I'm trying too finish some games and anime up XD

Alice Lieberg

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Why video games are so addicting ._.

Hello everyone~

Yes, it's been a while haha

I've been busy with school, trying to catch up since I wasn't doing so well in the beginning. I do have to go to summer school, but hey, I made an effort right? Catching up is really hard ._. Those who can do that, I praise you, you're actually smarter than the average. If you put more effort in the first place, I'm sure you'd do well haha

And so, I told myself: "If I made a return to my blog, might as well make it fantastic sooooooooooo"

So yeah, why video games are addicting~ Well, I'm sure we all know why, but might as well rant right? I'll just tell you what I think x)

I'm sure you've all heard of this game, League of Legends. And if you haven't, it's a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena), like DOTA 2 or Tome. And this game has attracted many people, it even has a national tournament. And quite frankly, when you get into this game, you can't get out ._.

Now, why is this? Well, there are a few reasons for this genre. One, most of your friends are probably playing this, right? And once you've had the taste of playing with friends, you don't wanna play alone anymore right? Well, that's the first anchor. 

I'd say the second one would be the money you've "invested" in this game. Now, I only just started (Christmas 2 years ago), but I have ~50 skins. And hey, that's a lot ._. That's like ~200 bucks. Yes, all of them were somewhat gifted or traded, but that's still a lot. And my friend got me DJ Sona. Let's vamp that up by 30. And people buy me non-mystery gifts. Let's vamp that up by 100. 330$. Damn. 

Another point would be that this game is different every time you play it. You essentially do the same thing, but since the people you play against are different, you never have the same experience. 

And finally, there's the self-accomplishment part of the game. There's rankings in this game right? Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Challenger ._. Well, you'd want to be up there right? I'm Silver 2, with Gold V MMR, and yes, I want to reach Gold. ._. Plat even, even though I'm not the best, I wanna be there. 

But what about other genres? Not MOBAs or anything online, just the stuff you can play on consoles or what not alone? Well, in those cases:

They allow you to escape your reality, into a possibly better one. It's sad to admit, but our world isn't anything special. In fact, it's quite banal. Nothing special happens. And video games can change that. Or at least, let us escape that reality. I've done it, it's not a crime, it's just an essentially nicer world to be in. The video game won't hate you for being a bum. In fact, it glorifies you. You feel so good after a game, often at least. 


And that's why I think video games are so addicting. Well, there's probably more reasons, but hey, this covers some of it :3

Alice Lieberg

Monday, April 13, 2015

Relationships are new to me.


Well, as you may of may not know, I have a boyfriend right now :D And yeah, he makes me super happy :) But I guess I derp sometimes.

I think I show too much PDA, so I should tone that down a bit. Also, I've told him something that bothered me, and he seemed to accept it, which is nice.

Well, it's just that, he spoke to the girl I really don't like, since she's too touchy with guys, and she got me anxious. ;~; Is it bad that I told him talking to him made me uncomfortable? Iunno ;~;


Dat's it. xD

Alice Lieberg

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Outing :3

Hello everyone~

So, yesterday, I went out for lunch with a few friends. Two people came from Ottawa, hence why I decided to go, we don't see them often x)

Oh yeah, one of them is the person that I used to like. The... idiot? The other... likes/liked me? Iunno. Well anyways, we went out for Korean BBQ, and split out table into two parties to avoid paying too much, since it was all you can eat. My table managed to eat everything. but the other almost wasn't able to do so, since they messed up the order and got too much food. They finished it, but they almost died in the process.

Then we went to get bubble tea, and just stroll around for a bit. The idiot doesn't really socialize much, maybe he is as shy as he told me to be. His cousin was pretty sociable though. Idiot-kun couldn't look me in the eye though. I didn't even get a "Hi." at the start either lol. I did hold open the door and he muttered "Thank you, ____", but yeah. He doesn't know that I'm okay now, but well, it's not like I want to be his friend at the moment really. The mention of his name or him messaging me used to make me cry on the spot anyways. And his girlfriend...

Well, you all know she's not a good person, from my perspective. To the people who don't know, she's basically... a manipulator? She's MAD CUTE, like really cute. She knows that and uses it to her benefit really. Proof? Everyday, as we attend school together, she never brings a lunch to school and hence takes people's food or gets them to buy her food. In fact, we went to eat out, and someone paid for her. Nope, it wasn't her boyfriend. And she did other rude things like tell us that dating the dude was great, 'cause she can act like a single person since they're long distance. Meaning flirting. If you don't know this either, she flirts with people everyday. Respect her much?

Well, I did tell the dude, but he didn't listen or seems to not mind. *shrugs* What can I say? If you two somehow get married, congrats doe. ._.

Erm... it was fun overall! I did fall over many times. .-. I hate how clumsy I am. One day, I'm gonna fall in a hole and just die. I'm sure of it.

Alice Lieberg

Wednesday, April 1, 2015



Fire Emblem (working title) - Choose Your Side (Nintendo 3DS)




I like the red-head more, she seems more moe :3



Yes. I'm excited. Take my money.

Alice Lieberg

Monday, March 23, 2015



Welp, if you can't tell, it's gonna be my birthday soon again. I'm gonna be 19 ._.

I also have a boyfriend now~ Shock-u desu ._.

Er... yeah. Das it. Bai.

Alice Lieberg

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Should I call myself cowardly?



I have the same problems in my life, and I don't know if there's a way to solve them. Well, you know my weird love life by now, but apparently, I'm making the girl sad by not being her friend, so her boyfriends been pestering me to make me her friend again. I think I've stated previously that I do not wish to be friends with her anymore, as I believe that she is legitimately not a good person.

She hurt my friend really badly, and never truly resolved the problem. She also hurt me, but... let's put that aside. And I do not think that her current actions are justifiable, cuddling with other guys while in a relationship is NOT justifiable by any sense of twisted logic, and her reason for getting into the relationship was not good either. She said that she wanted this relationship because it's long distance, so since he can't see her, she can remain free like a single person. Do you see why I don't want to be friends with her? That sounds like the words of a woman that can't remain committed and devoted. So yes, despite telling him 90% of this paragraph, he said he didn't care. So I basically started distancing myself from him too. I found it stupid, what can I say?

But... well, I thought after all that, I was really done with him. That I had no lingering feelings, so no matter what happened after, it would be like a rock thrown at a wall. But it wasn't so. She started crying again (I don't know when, but she did. I actually don't know why either, I didn't talk to her in a while.), and obviously, that compelled him to approach me. What he doesn't know... is that I do have lingering feelings, or some sort of concern for him. As soon as I saw the Facebook notification, I started sobbing. Like, loud, gross sobbing. I was playing League, and had a relatively good day. That very morning, my friend mentioned his name, and soon after apologized when he realized that I wanted to forget everything that was him. And well, he was on my mind yes, but I wasn't feeling down... until he messaged me. I didn't know what to do, I... just started crying. I was on Skype with several of my friends, but only one was there for the time being. And she was in Korea, so she felt even shittier that she couldn't come and help me. Then the people that were temporarily missing showed up, and either tried to comfort me, or didn't know what to do. All my friends agreed that I could ignore him though, they said if one message affected me like that, then obviously upholding a conversation would be impossible. Which would have been good... if it stayed like that.

I don't know of the method he used to get my number, but he did. Thankfully enough, he didn't call me, but he sent me a text. And then I felt trapped. Even if I ignore him, he's going to keep reaching out, and I have no way to escape. I got 11 FB messages, all of which I ignored and deleted, and two texts as of now.

To be honest, it probably would be better if I talked to him. Maybe it wouldn't solve the problem, but as much as I feel that he wants to help his girlfriend, I don't want to get hurt in the process. While I do dislike her, I wish no harm upon her, and I truly didn't mean to hurt her. But asking me to be friends with her again is too much. I didn't know that she was that kind of girl, and now that I do... I just can't.

She gets people to pay lunches for her. Specifically men. She sometimes comes to school with no money, acts all cutesy-like, and gets them to buy lunch for her. She even got a guy to pay for her whole sushi meal, which is about 20 bucks. What's worse is that she has a job, and that guy who bought her sushi doesn't. *sigh*

Am I being stupid? I am for sure making mistakes along the way. I've never dealt with this before. I... just can't talk to him though. He knows I like him, and yet he keeps trying to use that to convince me to be her friend. But I can't. I don't want to do this anymore. If I could, I would reverse time, and make sure this whole drama never happened. Could I convince my past self that liking him will only cause problems? I don't know, but it'd be worth a try. I don't know if I could like his girlfriend in that timeline though, no matter what I can think of, she'll always hurt a dear friend of mine, and I can't accept that. *sigh*

This whole fiasco made me realize that I have good friends though. Ones that would support me no matter what. Even a guy I recently got along with is helping me a lot. ^^

Anywho guys, toodles.

Alice Lieberg

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Even Though My Song has no Form

Hello everyone~

I got recruited to sub a Japanese game :3

I'm super excited, and a bit scared. I hope I can do the job well :3

As for my life... hmm...

Well, I've acquired DJ Sona, my friend gifted it it me. .-. Yeah, he spent 20 bucks on me. *sigh* I don't know why people like getting me stuff. I appreciate it though, it just feels weird.

Oh yeah, as for my love life, I kinda... think he's stupid? Yes, that sounds cruel, but my feelings flew out the window when he said he didn't mind his girlfriend to cuddle with other men. Then I was like:
"Nigga, I can't do dis anymore. Bai."

So yeah, I don't the need to hit her anymore, but I can't be her friend anymore. I don't care about what he said, what she's doing is still... wrong. *sigh*

Oh yes, my grades. I'm very scared. What if I don't get into uni... One class brought my grades down SO MUCH ;~;

And as for my grades now, well, they aren't the best... ^^"

I'm not sad anymore though, so I can have my complete attention in class now :D Which is good, I do believe in myself quite a bit :3

Erm... what else...

I think that's it! Welp, thanks for reading again. ^^

Alice Lieberg

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day! :3


To be honest, Valentine's say wasn't even that bad. I think it was because I was with my friend though.

He needed help to get a gift for his girlfriend, which happens to be one of my close friends, and I was so happy for her~ <3

Which is why I'm super sleepy now. Iunno, I think I have 0% energy overall LOL.

I can't be happy for the couple I helped get-together though, Watermelon and Peach (names taken from the LilyPichu video LOL). I still like Watermelon, and Peach keeps bragging about it when I'm nearby. It was Friday the 13th, and she started bragging about how great her date was gonna be, and how she wrote him a letter and shit, and I started bawling because I'm weak. I left her line of sight, but yeah, I was crushed. .-.

She's kinda... getting on my nerves now. She's hurt other people too, with the natural flirty/clingy attitude, but it's hard to see due to her being super cute. Iunno, it just irks me that she went for him when she didn't really like him while knowing I liked him. I just... iunno. And she ditched her feelings for the guy she actually liked, for a year, in two days. She switched interests so quickly that I'm just... I'm just... I don't think I can call her my friend anymore lol. My friend called her easy, and frankly, I agree. ._.

And Watermelon is avoiding me now lol. I didn't go to my classes on Friday, I was crying too much. *sigh* This is the second time that that's happened to me. Oh well. Well, my old crush (high school crush lol) isn't avoiding me anymore. We talk now. ^^

But yes, guys, don't ever hate on Valentine's day. It's not a day that should be hated, or glorified. It's a day like any other. The thing I can agree on though, is people that keep shoving it on your face I guess. Like Peach LOL. Like, it wasn't just me, my friend was like: "Yo, she keeps talking. Like shut up, .-." Then I laughed really hard. x)

So yeah, have a nice life. I'm having an okay one at the moment, but I talked to Albert, and he said everything takes time. AND I TRUST ALBERT SO MUCH, SO EVEN IF IT HURTS NOW, I BELIEVE HIM.

Alice Lieberg

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I'm a weakling haha


Well, looks like I collapsed from exhaustion again. It's only the beginning of the semester, I'm off to a great start. x)

I think I really liked the dude that my friend's with now. Even though I really like my friend, it's hard to look her in the eye, and I just wanna avoid her.

And I collapsed today, due to lack of sleep and mental exhaustion from my girl drama. My friend got rejected today too, everyone's sad.

Alice Lieberg 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

I'm kind of really stupid.

Well, you've read the title.

I've had problems with my life, on the first week back to school.

I started liking someone, but I shouldn't. And it started hurting so bad, I didn't go to bio. *sigh*

What am I even doing?

Alice Lieberg

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Fire Emblem IF - Anyone?

((She looks so pretty~~~))

So yeah,

The trailer for the new game in the series guys, DOESN'T IT LOOK SUPER HYPE?

My friend and I have a certain love for Fire Emblem ((well, I'm the geekier one, but we both still love it)), and we thought of what the new installment could have before it came out. 

- Choices that actually affect the storyline

... I said ideas huh. I meant one. But yeah, we thought this would be great~ 'Cause in Awakening, the choices do jack sh*t ((for those who didn't play it, it really just offers different dialogue choices that seem like they would affect the ending, but it doesn't. Except for the very last one.)). We thought: "What if you could choose to be good or evil?!" ((Similar to like Devil Survivor I guess, but she doesn't know about that game.))

Then Nintendo announced that the choices would have more impact. :DDDDD


Then there was this pic, with the land bits floating and shit, and I was like:


Like what I meant was the story changes depending on your choices.

I keep rewatching the trailer, I think I'm cray cray. .-.

Then the boy on the left. I was like:


Then there's fan speculation that he's your MU (My Unit), then I went:

"Damn, I can't marry myself." xD

I'm stupid.

Then that maid chick. Her name is "Felicia" (Katakana).


The battle transitions were cool too. Much smoother :3

And I have so much hope from the music. The trailer gave me shivers, and I was crying. ;~;

And yeah, that's pretty much the end of my rant. x)

There's other fan-speculation that your character ((if it's your character at all, otherwise I'll just think of them as Kamui)) is a Lord, and I frowned a bit at that. Only reason why:

On Rey/Belinda's video, they gave me the idea of the dancer girl being a Lord, then I went:


... Yeah. I don't think I would care if our character were a Lord if that idea never spawned in my head. ((Lords usually have blue hair anyways, so pls Nintendo ;~;))

And yeah, that's a wrap. Check out the trailer :3

You don't know how many times I've watched this trailer ;~;
If ya wanna watch Rey and Belinda's video haha

Alice Lieberg

Friday, January 9, 2015

Wooooooo, I'm lazy~ .-.

Hello everyone~

Well, if you can't read the title, hopefully you can read this~ I'M SUPER LAZY.

In production are my YouTube videos~ Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy~ I'm still lazy though, but you can expect them this month! Woo~

At the start of the holiday season, or before that even, my life's been a mess. My mom was calling me fat, like legitimately (she said my face got rounder), and well, I, myself, know that I'm a perfectly good size, but well, I was stressed due to exams and stuff, so the thoughts crept up my mind, and eventually I burst down like a baby and cried. Then my dad gave me some shit, though I don't remember what it is anymore, but that added to my stress, and I cried even more.

It's all okay now though. :)

On a lighter note, yes, 90% of my life is fine now. Two of my friends have changed their relationship status~ Woooooooooooooooooooooo~ *throws imaginary confetti*

I've met new people too~ Well, online, but they're my friend's cousins, I doubt they're going to cause me too much trouble. .-. They're nice. Yeah. Erm. Nice. .-.

Oh yeah, I've also brought myself to Silver 2 in League. :3 TOO BAD THAT'S STILL NOT GREAT. ;A;

Oh, got a bunch of things for Christmas too, like RP (I laughed), headphones, Tears to Tiara II, clothes, a wallet, money... It was great~ We didn't really put up a tree though. .-. A bit awkward, but it's okay.

And I did NOTHING  for New Years~ :3 I've never really done anything in the first place, for any of my years, so it's nothing new?

Resolutions? Well, there's things I should constantly improve on, so I'll list a few I guess:

- Be more confident in myself.
- Be less shy.
- Be less lazy.
- Don't argue with parents too much.
- Better sleep schedule.

Oh, and my sister's preggo. *ontzontzontz* Hype?

And........... that's it! Well, I'm sure there's more, but my brain is dead sorryz. ><

Have a great life everyone~

Alice Lieberg